Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Wizard of Oz at McDonald's

I hate to admit it, but I kind of enjoy McDonald's every so often. At the moment, I'm sitting at my desk munching on my chicken nuggets with honey and enjoying them immensely. But my chicken nuggets with honey are not the best part of my meal today, nor are they my reason for visiting McDonald's in the first place. That honor goes to the sweet toy I got with my Happy Meal. That's right, McDonald's is giving away Wizard of Oz Madame Alexander dolls in Happy Meals. Apparently this has been going on for a couple of weeks and I was unfortunately unaware. Now I'm trying to catch up and collect them all which means I will be eating way too many fake chicken nuggets in the next few weeks. But sometimes you have to take one for the team. The team being me. So far, I have Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West. There are 8 total, so yes, I still have a ways to go.

In other Judy Garland news, I learned today that The Pirate will be coming out on DVD in the kind of near future. It's been ages since I've watched this movie. Mostly because the only copy I have of it is taped off the TV and not in the best shape. It's not really one of my favorite Judy movies, but it has some hilarious moments, and I am looking forward to watching the DVD.

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

I am obviously going to have to visit my local McDonald's soon!